We specialize in building Real Estates websites

From startup to success: we guide you every step of the way with optimal real estate solution for your budget.

Our clients / Reviews

WE GOT 4400+ 5 STARS REVIEWS (look below for our fiverr profiles)

If you want your website to be a success

1. Define the purpose of the website: Before starting the project, you should determine the purpose of the website, including its target audience, goals, and the desired outcome. The same project can be used in many different ways. And this goes with advertisement strategies hand to hand. It will be best if you contact us and we discuss all the possibilities. The consultation is free.
2. You MUST give us feedback as we are working on your website, so we will be able to make it as close to your dream vision as possible while maintaining good functionality and UX experience. But you need to be flexible too - some of the things you might not even like - but in a/b testing they will prove to be more effective in bringing money, than the vision you have. We need to test a lot, and you need to have a flexible mind to accept it.
3. You need to make sure your texts are ready. Working on content and text is your job. We make a platform for you and teach you how to handle it, and you must fill it with information. There is no way around it, but to make your life easier we created lessons on how to do it a lot faster and easier with the help of modern technology and AI. They will do half of the work for you.

Choose the real estate solution most fit for you:

Small Real Estate Agency

Perfect for a small real estate agency with under 20 brokers. You will have a full real estate solution with wide property search/sort options.
Mobile version. Best security and speed optimization.
And on top of that - in the backend, you will additionally have some CRM functionalities for your brokers to comfortably write private information about the property - like the contacts of the property owner or other comments, that will be visible ONLY in the backend.
1 month to make, 1500 USD one-time payment. Or you can only pay 100 USD per month, to rent it, without buying.

Big Real Estate Agency

Most advanced system.
You get a real estate website + a full solution to edit properties in the front end, so every agent can edit only his properties and have limited access to the admin panel.
You can also use your website as a big properties portal for different companies/teams, with their own brokers.

2 months to make, 3600 USD one-time payment. Or you can only pay 160 USD per month, to rent it, without buying.

Any other types of website

Of course, we can make you any other type of website:
- Hotel with booking system + connection to booking.com and Airbnb.
- Online store with any design and payment type
- Dentist/any service website with separate calendars for appointments for every doctor/master
- Educational website with tests to see the next lessons, automatic e-mail system that can send full courses within the premade time frames and so much more
- Or just simple landing pages and business card websites

We can do it all, and our prices are incredibly low for the quality and speed we will provide for you. We also can fix and improve your existing website. Contact us and let's discuss what can we do for you!

Support and advertising

After we create a website - you have the following support options:
1. You don't use any support and don't pay anything. I record video instructions about how to create archive copies of your system, and if in the future anything breaks - you just provide this archive and we restore it for 50 USD.
2. We make archives for you + and also security updates + we can help you with information or design changes. From 15 USD per month.

Advertising. Most important part of any business is to be able to reach and create trust among your potential clients and for that advertising + social media are key.
And from content creation and video editing to ad campaigns, we've got you covered.
We can't name the price here, as this is a very specific topic and we need to discuss a lot of strategies depending on your team, location, available time and budget.
When we will be working together, we will discuss all the possible strategies and also how we will test and measure the results, so we can invest optimally.

Bonuses you get from working with us:

Two designs in one package

All our websites have mobile and light design for phones and wide for computers. Mobile is a must!


All our websites have top-notch security to keep you safe from auto-viruses that are trying to hack all websites from google.

Archive copy of your website

When all is ready you will also receive a copy of your website. It's always nice to have just in case.

SEO and Speed optimization

Because we want to have a long-term partnership with you - we provide the best value possible for your money.

Free hosting for 6 months

And after that you get the best price for hosting if you stay with us.

Free access to our web university

We created in-depth lessons about how to create content most easily, fast, and cheaply. SEO and all.

Free business card design

You will be able to choose from 1000+ designs or we can make a banner or a logo.

Video lessons

We will create for you video course about how to work with your website and make changes to any information inside

Want to discuss more or start working on your project right away? Contact us now!

Thank you for your message. We will get back to you shortly.

Hello, my name is Sergey Grееnglaz, I am the creator of this website and the person with whom you will probably (I really hope so) want to work for a long and fruitful time.

My approach is to maintain transparency in my actions, and provide as much value as possible so that you see as a full-fledged partner in terms of everything related to the internet and business development.

I am recommended because I thoughtfully create sites in order to really bring results and perceive a lot of potential problems and fix them even before their appearance. Also, I will personally work with you on your project and help build your perfect real estate solution.


We all have our own personal people.

Our auto mechanic. Our dentist. Our hairdresser. Our plumber. Our accountant…

We try to surround ourselves with people who are competent in their field and whom we trust.
If anything happens, we call our friends – “Hey, do you have a friend who do this?”

Let us be your team in the field of creating you best real estate solution and helping you with creating trust in your potential clients.

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